Technical Diagrams

A compilation of technical diagrams made to explain different topics.


Many times I've found myself struggling while explaining specific engineering topics to both technical and non-technical stakeholders. Well-drawn diagrams allow a simple baseline of communication between individuals and diminish the time it takes to understand the concepts behind a diagram.

Split Key Percentage

Latest update 04.12.2018

Split Key Percentage

Sealed Website

Latest update 04.12.2018

Sealed Website

MyBit Network Diagram

Latest update 04.12.2018


MyBit Architecture Diagram

Latest update 04.12.2018


A CI/CD proposal

Latest update 18.10.2015


Convox Architecture (Draft)

Latest update 18.10.2015

Convox Architecture

Setting up a HTTP/2 Server with RancherOS, NGINX and Lets Encrypt

Latest update 04.01.2016

HTTP2 with RancherOS and Docker

Inside ACH payments with Stripe and Plaid

Latest update 02.06.2016

ACH Payments with Plaid and Stripe pt.1

ACH Payments with Plaid and Stripe pt.2

ACH Payments with Plaid and Stripe pt.3

ACH Payments with Plaid and Stripe pt.4